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Sydney, Australia
portfolio | precedents | process [since 2012]

Sunday, September 28, 2014

ccdn 331 | project four | first draft of manifesto

It's All Two-Way

1. I do no harm – my take on one of the fundamental principals taught to healthcare students throughout the world: “Primum non nocere” (First, do no harm) I will always consider the consequences of my designs and avoid causing more harm than good;

2. I look at things from more than one perspective (RAP 2) – the flâneur concept helped me to remember how important this is. Context is everything;

3. I make with love – AKA passion, care, attention to detail. You can tell when something has been made with love. It looks better;

4. I do not buy into stereotypes (RAP 4) - I question any prejudices I may have that may cloud my judgment of things;

5. I am organised (RAP 1) – the spreadsheet is my friend;

6. I am never finished – there is always another iteration;

7. I adapt – I embrace change;

8. I draw on the past to inform my future (Essay) – remediate

“Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it” -  George Santayana


‘those who remember the past are obliged to remediate it’;

9. I stimulate more than one sense with my work (RAP 7) – I seek to move beyond the contemporary tendency to privilege sight over the other senses;

10. I design within my means (RAP 6) – no waste;

11. I am always learning – practice, educate, read, participate in quality discussion. I seek inspiration from within and without;

12. I design my world – ‘there is a way to create a better world by participation’ (All Saints, 2014) ‘Just like your car, your clothes, your life is the result of of the various choices, improvement and mistakes you have made so far' (Menon, 2010).

All Saints (2014, September 11). Manifestos - Benjamin Southworth, Technology ‘Evangelist’  [Video file]. Retrieved from

Menon, A.(2010, August 6). The Design Mindset – 8 Principles You Can Apply in Your Life. Retrieved from

CCDN 331 | Project Four | Precedents

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

ccdn 331 | Project Four | short summary

Review of initial concepts

1.    Short summary (50-100 words) that outlines your argument (manifesto) and its specific relationship to a critical/theoretical idea. Address how this relates to you and your practice as a designer/design thinker.

I don't want to separate my design persona from my everyday persona. I believe I practice a way of thinking that could be termed as a design mindset. And that all my different 'personae' (or are they contexts?) are welcome because they inform one another. I have spent much of my time during my studies thinking about how design principles can and should be used to guide the mind through all aspects of life. For example, why shouldn't we be able to practice a methodology in our everyday life that involves identifying the problem, issue or question at hand and approaching it from different perspectives – just as we do in design? In fact your life is product of your design.And this should be a manifesto for life.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

ccdn 244 | process update | project three

Third roll of film:

© luckiestwomanalive 2014
That's using the 'blue' method.

Here are the two best images using the 'lush method'.

© luckiestwomanalive 2014

© luckiestwomanalive 2014
Even though I quite like these, they don't really fit with my 'hands' idea. I've started thinking about why I want to depict hands and it really is about the intimacy of hands and how we connect through them. Also, they are super-familiar parts of my loved ones' bodies that I can easily recognise and we can achieve so much with them so I would like to celebrate them

Final remediation ideas:

I thought about printing my final images on leather to simulate skin but now that I have thought through the cost and time factors (I would need to use Liquid Light which I have to order from the states at $100 a bottle and I am not sure it will turn up on time) and think I will project onto my body (or my husband's) and photograph that instead.

Precedent One: Here is a really good precedent that Linda helped me find yesterday. It is by Lucas Samaras. I am interested in the idea of photographing tattoos at the moment.Also in the whole process of remediation, so this could be an interesting way of expressing what motivates people to tattoo themselves. For it was a way of holding something deeply personal close to myself for the rest of my life. I have mine on my left shoulder and it represents me literally carrying the weight of my decision there. I want to show my family members being projected onto me and my husband.

Precedent two: The other idea Leon has got me thinking about is e-ink. Wacky concept for me to get my head aroudn but basically it's a way to show images on you skin that you can change (by choice), you could potentially even receive signals from a third party such as a TV station and watch stuff happening on your forearm!


Mock-up ideas are abounding right now....

More about this crazy stuff can be found here.

ccdn 244 | process update | project two

Okaaayyyyy. So here's the thing, Daisy has been talking about how she changed one setting on the scanner when she was scanning her film last week and then suddenly the scans are more brilliant and lush.

This is the screen grab. So you can see I go chose the option 'with film holder' this time, instead of 'with film area guide':

© luckiestwomanalive 2014

I tried it on my second roll (seen here) and the following are six of the new versions...

© luckiestwomanalive 2014

© luckiestwomanalive 2014

© luckiestwomanalive 2014

© luckiestwomanalive 2014

© luckiestwomanalive 2014

© luckiestwomanalive 2014

 Interesting development. I think by now it's obvious that I like more well-defined colour and contrast.

Friday, September 5, 2014

ccdn 244 | process update | project two

So today I scanned the second roll of film. This roll is 120 ISO as opposed to the 400 I used last time. I am a bit dissappointed with the results. I tried to keep working with the hands concept but they are too dark and frankly, I find them a bit dull.Anyway, I will keep thm and when we get to the pointy end of the project they might work a bit better.

© luckiestwomanalive 2014
© luckiestwomanalive 2014