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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

ccdn 331 | Project Four | short summary

Review of initial concepts

1.    Short summary (50-100 words) that outlines your argument (manifesto) and its specific relationship to a critical/theoretical idea. Address how this relates to you and your practice as a designer/design thinker.

I don't want to separate my design persona from my everyday persona. I believe I practice a way of thinking that could be termed as a design mindset. And that all my different 'personae' (or are they contexts?) are welcome because they inform one another. I have spent much of my time during my studies thinking about how design principles can and should be used to guide the mind through all aspects of life. For example, why shouldn't we be able to practice a methodology in our everyday life that involves identifying the problem, issue or question at hand and approaching it from different perspectives – just as we do in design? In fact your life is product of your design.And this should be a manifesto for life.

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