It's All Two-Way
2. I look at things from more than one perspective (RAP 2) – the flâneur concept helped me to remember how important this is. Context is everything;
3. I make with love – AKA passion, care, attention to detail. You can tell when something has been made with love. It looks better;
4. I do not buy into stereotypes (RAP 4) - I question any prejudices I may have that may cloud my judgment of things;
5. I am organised (RAP 1) – the spreadsheet is my friend;
6. I am never finished – there is always another iteration;
7. I adapt – I embrace change;
8. I draw on the past to inform my future (Essay) – remediate
“Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it” - George Santayana
‘those who remember the past are obliged to remediate it’;
9. I stimulate more than one sense with my work (RAP 7) – I seek to move beyond the contemporary tendency to privilege sight over the other senses;
10. I design within my means (RAP 6) – no waste;
11. I am always learning – practice, educate, read, participate in quality discussion. I seek inspiration from within and without;
12. I design my world – ‘there is a way to create a better world by participation’ (All Saints, 2014) ‘Just like your car, your clothes, your life is the result of of the various choices, improvement and mistakes you have made so far' (Menon, 2010).
All Saints (2014, September 11). Manifestos - Benjamin Southworth, Technology ‘Evangelist’ [Video file]. Retrieved from
Menon, A.(2010, August 6). The Design Mindset – 8 Principles You Can Apply in Your Life. Retrieved from